
Leniency toward video clips... why ?

Since I have considered the wave of video clips - the way it is these years in the arab world - one of the major DANGERS on our society and our families and our morals, I thought of writing this post after reading a research done by al-jazeera about this phenomenon. (see images at the end)
The dangerous thing is not that these video clips contain many sexual scenes or sexual allusions because such content appears everywhere these days. The danger of these clips comes from the "leniency" families show (and even many conservative families) when it comes to watching video clips. 

I also noticed that a lot of families think it's OK for our kids to watch video clips. Actually, in a lot of cases, they watch video clips together.

shway shway.... we will realize that "sexual scenes" in video clips is not that big of a deal. Just as long it's not a "porno movie".

This reminds me of the state of muslims in the west regarding "alcohol". Since all of the restaurants have wine section, and you can easily read it in the menu, you start to get used to the idea of people drinking wine without thinking "oooh my God, this is khamra" why... because "wine is common". The same thing happens with "arraqs al sharqy". You see families with their kids in egypt go to a restaurant and then a lady "labsah men ghair hudoom" shows up and dances. of course that's OK.

shway shway, video clips will be like "porn movies" the only difference is that "video clips" are watched with the whole family together and socially acceptable, but the porn movie is not.

I really felt embarrassed when a pakistani friend told me that he was shocked when he saw the arabic video clips and knew that such video clips are produced in arabic world and arabic people watch these clips with their kids as if there's nothing wrong. (Here I remember how the song "akhasmak ahhh" by nancy ajram was on the mouth of every kid... and everybody was laughing when we see small kids dance like her. I'm pretty sure we won't laugh when our daughters grow up and wear najla's clothes when they go out !!)

A lot might argue that these "dirty" video clips are just a small part of the entire range of video clips.... (tab hut 3ainak be 3ainy ashoooof !!!) If you REALLY still think that then most probably you already fell in the trap I mentioned above.

A recent study done by al-jazeera shows how much "dirty" arabic video clips are (view images at the bottom - or read the entire study from this link):

A lot of us are on the verge of forming/already formed families, imagine what would be on TV when our kids grow !!

I hope this email might help us wake up from "indulging" too much into TV and into this transient life, and start serving the goal of our existence (BTW,what are you running after in this life? shoo hadafak?)

There are many important and useful things we can do to improve our lives and help our families and communities and our religion instead of lowering our morals and standards by accepting to watch arabic video clips.

If you live in jordan and would like to spend some of your free time in something productive and helpful goto this site: www.lifemakersjo.com and go to the contact section and call them. They always welcome new volunteers even if you can only spare a one-time one hour of your time. 

by the age 22

annawawy started authoring books when he was around 13 years old
ashafe3y was appointed as an official mufti when he was 15 years old
usama bin zaid was the head of the islamic army when he was 16 years old.
Ibrahim, alaihy assalam, defied his entire village when he was at most 16 years old.
3aesha, zawjet annaby alaihy assalam, was a prominent political figure when she was 18 years old.
ahmad sunnaqra, head of kata'eb shuhada' al aqsa, evaded 6 assassination attempts from the israeli army. He has recently been shot. He's 22 years old.... subhan allah.....

- Me....... i had a great birthday party at the age 22....

Something to think about when raising our children .... treat them as children.... they are children... treat them as "rijal" and they are "rijal"..... give them lollipops .... they will like lollipops.......
give them a goal to live to.... and they will live to that goal.....

taken from al jazeera: http://www.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/A071D799-3F87-42F4-AAB1-46BCA03F78FA.htm

إصابة قائد الأقصى بنابلر
جنود الاحتلال أثناء اقتحامهم لمنازل في نابلس (الفرنسية-أرشيف)
أصيب قائد كتائب شهداء الأقصى التابعة لحركة التحرير الوطني الفلسطيني (فتح) في نابلس شمالي الضفة الغربية بجروح خطيرة في اشتباك مع قوة خاصة للاحتلال داهمت مخيم بلاطة للاجئين شرقي المدينة وحاصرت منزله.
وقالت مصادر أمنية وطبية فلسطينية إن أحمد سناقرة (22 عاما) أصيب بأربع رصاصات في البطن ورصاصة في اليد اليسرى.
وسبق أن تعرض سناقرة لأكثر من ست محاولات اغتيال في نابلس أصيب في ثلاث منها بجروح. وتعتبره قوات الاحتلال الإسرائيلية من أبرز المطلوبين في المدي

"most wanted".... and he's only 22 years old.... mashallah.... allah yeshfee ou y3afee.... ou allah yeshfee ummetna ou y3afeeha....